Thursday, August 20, 2009

Off to Canada!

It's 5 am and I am off to Toronto to present at Can Fit Pro. If you are going to be there, or are in the area, come find me in the Spinning room (there are two rooms, side by side). I will be presenting any of the sessions originally listed as Meg McNeeley.

I'll report back on Monday with some playlists!

Have a safe weekend, and get out and do something fun. Summer's almost over!


Shannon said...

Safe Travels Jenn. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,
What was the name of the last song at the last session at canfitpro?
'Give me the love'? or 'Give me love'?
and who is the artist.
Great class,

Charles said...

Sae some of your twitter updates. Look like you are having a blast!

lamspin said...

Seeing you and sneaking in your two classes were the hightlights of my Sat. It's worth the 1 1/2 hr drive!!!!
Loooove the Jumps especially the last power surges and the cueing. Taking that class with you assures me I am not off track in doing jumps in my class. Thank you for being such a great inspiration to all of us.
Waiting for your playlists as usual ;>)
Have a well deserved rest!